hair beauty and hair care
ScentSeas skincare
beautiful hair for your needs
To reap the benefits of a hair routine, it takes consistency and patience. Results usually take weeks depending on your specific goals. It's the simple but effective habits that stimulate hair growth, such as a healthy diet, exercise and a cleansing and nourishing routine.
However, our natural hair care products, shampoos, leave-in creams and serums will do wonders for your hair growth.
Together, they address a myriad of problems that weaken the growth process, such as dryness, scalp irritation and split ends. In some cases, they can also increase the absorption of other products in your routine, resulting in better moisture retention and more consistent hydration.
pacific legend, natural hair serum no silicones made with 25 oils
leave-in repair hair cream
leave-in hair care cream
100 % naturel, 3,38 floz
24.00 €
30.00 €
Serum capillaire Pacific Legend
hair serum composed with 25 oils no silicone
deep treatment from scalp to tip of hair
deep treatment from scalp to tip of hair
38.25 €
45.00 €
cérat immortelle face body hair cream
Cérat immortelle, cold cream 100 % natural
launching price face body hair 3,38 floz
65.00 €
legende, repair dry multi fonction oil
myrtle elixir
cocoa lotion
Legende, immortelle dry multifunction oil
face body and hair 100 ml/ 3.38 floz
52.00 €
Elixir green Myrtle
astringent, tired and dull skin, 1,69 floz
37.80 €
42.00 €
cocoa firming lotion
body and hair 6,76 floz
28.90 €
34.00 €